In 1992, one of SJMA's most promising students went missing. Theories abound, but The Great Raphael has never been seen or heard from again. Some believe he successfully completed a Mime that caused him to disappear into nothingness. Officials here at the San Juan Mime Academy do not believe this to be the case. 

The more likely theory is that he was kidnapped by a rival school or by one of the many gangs in the clowning community. Rodeo Clowns are particularly violent, and we pray to this day that Raphael was not captured by Los Clowns Despreciable del Rodeo, the most ruthless clown gang in Puerto Rico. 

Others believe the desire to speak was so overwhelming that The Great Raphael simply abandoned his craft. Whatever the case, we still search for him. The images below are him in 1992, an updated sketch from a reported sighting in 1998 (during which he reportedly sported a goatee), and a photo from 2015 that some say prove Raphael is alive and well. Or, judging by the photo, alive and not so well.